To register, fill this form and send us a brief CV here, please!
The Research Group AGI (Art, Globalization, Interculturality) presents the sixth edition of the training seminar ON MEDIATION, a theoretical and practical study programme on curatorship, which is addressed to artists, curators, critics, students, researchers, art historians and other collectives interested in the exhibition-making processes beyond disciplines.
THEORETICAL PHASE (november – december 2018)
7 november
18-21h. Faculty of Geography and History, UB. Room 311
Introductory session. Anna Maria Guasch and Martí Peran
14 november
18-21h. Faculty of Geography and History, UB. Room 311
Paul O’Neill. Publics, Helsinki
15 november
18-21h. Faculty of Geography and History, UB. Room 311
Paul O’Neill. Publics, Helsinki
21 noviembre
18-21h. Faculty of Geography and History, UB. Room 311
Frederic Montornès. Independent curator, Barcelona
28 november
18-21h. Faculty of Geography and History, UB. Room 311
Annie Fletcher. Curator, Vannabemuseum, Eindhoven
5 december
18-21h. Faculty of Geography and History, UB. Room 311
Juan Antonio Álvarez Reyes. Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo
12 december
18-21h.Faculty of Geography and History, UB. Room 311
Self-managed curatorial practices: Metáfora, Ideograma, Anna Pahissa
19 december
18-21h. Faculty of Geography and History, UB. Room 311
Project presentations
PRACTICAL PHASE (november 2018 – february 2019)
Throughout the first five editions of ON MEDIATION, the practical phase has tested different formats of curatorial practices. For the OM/6 edition, work is being done with Fabra i Coats Centre d’Art Contemporani y La Escocesa Centro de Creación to carry out this practice. The project in question must contemplate, beyond the selection of exhibition materials, the mechanisms necessary to activate the project, so as to accentuate its historical, aesthetic and political potential.
November 2018
constitution of the working group*.
November 2018 – January 2019
January 2019
presentation of the preliminary project
January – February 2019
project production
*It is compulsory to first formalize the registration to the theoretical phase to access the practical phase. The selection process of the attendees who will constitute the working team will be announced once the seminar is started. A motivation letter and a CV will be needed.
Organization: ON MEDIATION Platform, as a project of the Research Group AGI located at the Universitat de Barcelona, within the Research Project “Cartografía Crítica del Arte y la Visualidad en la Era de lo Global: Nuevas metodologías, conceptos y enfoques analíticos III Parte” (HAR 2016-75100-P).
Directors: Anna Maria Guasch and Martí Peran
Theoretical phase coordination: Christian Alonso, Olga Sureda
Practical phase coordination: Pablo Santa Olalla, Olga Sureda
Technical assistance: Joaquim Espuny, Helena Moreno Mata.
Theoretical phase’s teaching load: 24 hours
Location: Faculty of Geography and History (C/ Montalegre 6, Barcelona); a still undetermined space of the artistic ecosystem of the city of Barcelona
Languages: Spanish, English
Theoretical phase’s tuition: 275 euros students / 325 euros non-students. Formalize registration through this form, and send a summarized CV to
Theoretical phase’s places: 30
Practical phase’s tuition: 100 euros
Practical phase’s places: 5
Practical phase’s supervision: 14 hours (distributed along November 2018 and February 2019. You may add no less than 40 hours for collective work in order to carry out the project)