
Tedium Vitae

TEDIUM VITAE ON MEDIATION/2 exhibition at ADN Platform 23th May – 23th October 2015 Vernissage: Saturday 23th May, 14:00h The art show ‘Tedium Vitae’ explores boredom as an artistic catalyzer.  ‘Tedium Vitae’ and ‘Indisposición general. Ensayo sobre laContinue Reading

Yo, misil

Yo, misil ON MEDIATION/1 Exhibition at Cercle Artístic Sant LLuc 26th May – 31th May 2014 Vernissage: Monday 26th May, 19:30h The Fundació Guasch Coranty is distinguished for supporting young artists to encourage their incipient professional career. TheContinue Reading

Barcelona Inspira

Barcelona Inspira ON MEDIATION/1 Exhibition at Cercle Artístic Sant LLuc 19th May – 24th May 2014 Vernissage: Monday 19th May, 19:30h Barcelona inspira proposes a critical reflection about the actual reality of Barcelona, departing from an analysis of theContinue Reading

Menos es más

Menos es más ON MEDIATION/1 Exhibition at Cercle Artístic Sant LLuc 12th May – 17th May 2014 Vernissage: Monday 12th May, 19:30h Project Page The recent transfer of the “Encants” Market represents the last evidence of the “BarcelonaContinue Reading